Geoinformation, Environmental Communication and Environmental Planning

About us

We specialise in the intersections between environmental management, conservation and agriculture, at local and systemic levels.

We undertake critical research into the links between conservation and agricultural sectors through environmental and geospatial planning, remote sensing, and qualitative and quantitative social science approaches and methods. Our empirical and practical experience draws particularly from research projects related to the EU’s system of agricultural subsidies, conflict mediation and resolution between conservation and agriculture, and ecosystem services’ assessment.

We undertake our work with the inclusion of specialist and ‘expert’ views, as well as make every effort to include local, affected stakeholders in the research at hand. Our young team is competent in the field of agricultural engineering, environmental (conservation, agricultural, planning) law, earth observation and environmental management. We possess not only field- and project- related and developed experience, but also partake in university-level teaching and training in these fields.


  • Opinion survey among farmers

    More than a third of the EU budget is allocated to agriculture and rural development. The effects and challenges around the spending and programmes associated with this sum are best surmised through local affected groups and individuals. We undertake such research inquiry, with foresters, agriculturalists, conservationists, and with professional and governmental advisers.

    Click here for more information on our related research projects.

  • Control with Remote Sensing (EU CAP)

    The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy’s First and Second Pillars depend on remote sensing mapping and surveillance (CwRS, Control with Remote Sensing) to ensure that farmers undertake the work required in exchange for subsidies. Argeomentum has managed leading tasks (from project management, mapping of satellite and aerial imagery) related to these systems across several German states. These projects required the designation of control zones, the scheduling of reference data points through the coordination of the EU-JRC, customer communications at all times, and project proposal development.

  • Consultancy, research proposal development

    We have advised small Hungarian start-ups through to multi-national companies in the fields of earth observation, geospatial and related mapping and software advice. We participate in and undertake the development of national, EU and international research project proposals, and are happy to advise in questions and needs related to research planning and methodology within our competencies.

  • Education and training

    We have substantial experience as invited speakers and presenters on our research projects to date across a range of national and international universities, adult training and summer schools. Amongst our teaching specialisations are geospatial planning, remote sensing, geodesy, agricultural and land relations and political economy, conservation planning, conflicts and mediation tools, ecosystem services valuation and research methodologies and research design.

  • Participatory planning

    Sustainable long-term land use requires the cooperation and collaboration between agriculturalists and conservationists. We specialise in mediation across these two sectors, for less intensive and more environmentally-friendly land management and relations. We attempt to ‘open up’ planning processes to all stakeholders, so that meaningful opportunities for co-production are possible. We also try to improve communications between stakeholder groups for the longer-term development of relations.
    here for more information on our related research projects.

  • Evaluation and development of environmental values

    Recreation, cultural values tied to the environment, habitats that provide essential nutrients and opportunities for food production – that is, those environmental streams that provide us with ‘ecosystem services’ – underpin human well-being and our qualities of life. Our research engages with the perceptions, values and positions of local stakeholders about the role, impacts and resilience of ecosystem services. We explore stakeholders’ preferences, we investigate interlinkages between ecosystem services and human activities, and we develop policy and planning insights building on these understandings.

  • Well-being through conservation care farms

    Environmental access and time spent in ‘nature’ is the foundation to healthy lives and minds. Amongst Scandinavian countries, the concept of ‘care farms’ has come to cater to the needs of a broad range of people, in particular those with special needs and disabilities. We have undertaken research into the operation and functioning of these types of farms, to better understand their potentials and challenges.


Get to know us!

Ágnes Kalóczkai (PhD)

lead researcher

I specialized in environmental conflicts and ecosystem services assessment. I am active in researches from the design to the implementation.

Eszter Krasznai Kovács (PhD)

lead researcher

I am focusing on environmental law and analysis of policy-making in the context of agriculture in the EU.

Dániel Molnár

executive director

My topic lies around the intersection of the GIS/remote sensing with agriculture.


+3670 263 163 0